Marina Grand Resort

The Marina Grand Resort is located on the corner of Water Street and Berrien Street in New Buffalo Michigan. It is a three and one-half story structure that covers a city block. It wraps around the Oselka Marina, directly across from a residential neighborhood filled with single family homes. This building also holds the Bentwood Restaurant, a coffee bar and the the Marina Grand Convention facilities.

As you drive up to the corner of Water and Berrien streets  (where the lobby of the hotel and the entrance to the restaurant is located), you will find that there is no space provided to load or unload you or your passengers. The fact of the matter is that the parking that is directly in front of the Marina Grand is on-the-street parking owned and maintained by the City of New Buffalo. Anyone can park there. The Marina Grands’ parking is south of Water street, on Berrien Street, about 200 feet away.




Stop sign at Water Street and Berrien


Here are some videos of the parking problem:

Americoach bus